Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2020 Election: Gang, we'll be all right.

 So - I'm starting to hear a lot of the GOP autopsy post 2020 election. Let me give my Conservative friends some good news.
Yes, the election is not over (for all intents and purposes I'm going to say it's over).... but before the Progressives and Liberals pop the cork on the champagne - I encourage my Conservative brothers and sisters to take a deep breath and exhale.
If not for Covid, Trump would have won reelection in a walk. People are scared, and the Biden Camp effectively used the panic and fear to their advantage. This is an outlier. We're not going to have a pandemic every 4 years (at least I don't think).
Still, given the last 4 years of the Trump Administration - they were hit with years of a collusion based on disinformation that tried to delegitimize his election. Days, weeks, and months of out and out lying - culminating in a sham of an impeachment. We had an establishment media that spent the better part of 95% of their headlines, bylines, and soundbytes calling the President everything from a racist to a homophobe to a xenophobe to a corrupt power hungry authoritarian.
You had Covid - a once in a millennium plague that ravaged our economy and stuck fear and panic into the hearts of Americans.
And yet with all of that ... the GOP actually GAINED in the House, kept the Senate, and Biden (if the numbers hold up) would have won by the thinnest of margins.
There was no mandate - there was no blue wave. We don't have to look too far within ourselves moving forward.
Stay the course. Continue to champion for limited government, low regulations, a strong national defense and common sense legislation. The Democrats will overplay their hand -- like they always do -- and in two years, we'll take back the House.
Gang - we'll be all right. I promise. ❤

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